Monday, January 22, 2007

If Only

I have decided that if I only worked part time or like a normal full time job then I would be a much better wife. I only worked 6 hours today cause I had a Dr. appointment and I went to the grocery store, cooked dinner, did the dishes, etc... Normally after 10-12 hours at work and then a 2 hour round-trip commute I get home and do not do any domestic chores. I even bought a big thing of the trail mix that Kody likes and seperated it out into baggies for him to take to work because he usually buys the little $.99 ones every day. Not only did I put it in baggies, but I took out all of the almonds, which he doesn't like. Another thing I would do if I didn't work so much is exercise. I feel like such a slob all of the time but I can not get myself to work out after I get home. I also have a hard time getting up early to exercise. Especially because when I get up early I feel like I should just get ready and go into work early so that I can maybe get caught up. Third on my list of things that I would do if only I didn't work so much is finish writing my book. I actually started a fictional novel and would really love to finish it someday and see if I can get it published. Talking about the book made me think of something else that I would do and that would be to finish my masters degree. I got most of the way through my masters degree in business but I kept missing class because I would be needing to work late. I only have about 4 classes left to finish but I keep putting it off because I don't want to pay for and then have to drop a class again. Some of you are probably saying to yourselves that I could be doing some of these things right now instead of complaining about it but as I told you before I only worked 6 hours today and that is why I have extra free time. Since I will probably work twice that tomorrow and thereafter then it doesn't make sense to start a long-term project today. So now that I have expressed some of the things that I would do if I didn't work so much I am going to go and get ready for work tomorrow.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

So you mean to tell me that if you just sat at home all day everyday like I do, you'd do all of this? LOL...I don't ever get anything accomplished even though I sit home, I just sit here on the internet all day...