Saturday, January 27, 2007

Trip To Alamo

So I went to visit my Mom in Alamo this weekend and I took my niece Jaidyn with me. She is so cute and she was so good even though she's only 10 months old. It was fun. I don't go to Alamo as often as I should because I always think that I'm too busy and that I have too much to do here at home to go. My Mom and Grandma were totally waiting on me like I was a princess or something. I got awesome food and my Grandma wouldn't even let me help with the dishes. She told me that I should go rest. I was only there from Friday night to Saturday afternoon. This time I would have stayed longer if I hadn't had the baby with me. She was getting homesick so I figured I better get her back home. Jaidyn was so cute the whole time we were there. We played a lot and had a really good time. She even took a couple of steps by herself and was standing up by herself for a little bit. I figure she'll be walking any day now. She didn't sleep very well cause I think she missed her Mom and Dad (who let her sleep in the bed with them by the way) but other than that she was great. I also got to see Tyson and Ryan my two cute nephews. They are so funny except that they fight all the time. I know that all siblings do this but sometimes it drives me crazy. They just can't stop touching each other or just doing anything they can to annoy the other one. They are cool though. Tyson came back inside to give me a hug and kiss goodbye all on his own. He was going through this phase for a while where he didn't want to give me hugs or kisses and when I would tell him that I loved him he would kind of ignore me. Luckily he got through that though cause now he willingly tells me that he loves me and gives me hugs and kisses. I love it!!! Ryan seems to be going through the non-lovey phase right now but at least I know that he should get over it soon just like Tyson did. They are fun and I'm excited because I am taking them to Disneyland for their birthdays in March. We go every year and it's really fun but it gets better each year as they get older because they are able to do more and can enjoy it more. We might go to Sea World too cause Tyson really wants to go there and I figure we might as well while we are already in S. CA. Well I've obviously gotten off of the subject of my trip to Alamo but basically I did the same thing that I always do which was eat and sleep. I feel very relaxed when I go to my Mom's house so I just want to lay around and do nothing but eat. I really don't like to go anywhere but my family's houses because I don't like to run into other people from Alamo. It's stupid but I feel like they are always judging me and I don't want anyone talking about how fat I have gotten. I don't know why I would think that anyone would even give me a second thought but smal towns sometimes have nothing else to do but gossip and I don't want it to be about me. Well enough about Alamo. I'm going to go to bed now.

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