Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My heart may have stopped more than once today

I know I can be a little overdramatic and I obviously have anxiety that I am medicated for but I was seriously so stressed out today that I thought I might lose it. Yesterday my boss called from vacation and asked me to do a favor for our biggest customer. No problem except that I have to deal directly with the owner of the company and he is not very patient. So he calls me and I do this favor for him which is stressfull in itself but I get it done with very little drama and all is well in my little world. UNTIL I get a very strange phone call from someone saying that they work for this customer in the accounting department. They ask me for some information and luckily I give out very little before I become suspicious and tell them that I will have to call them back. Just as I suspected when I call my customer's office and ask for this person in the accounting department, no such person exists!!! So someone else called me and was trying to get confidential information on one of our customers. I didn't really give out any pertinent information but it upset me really bad. So of course I immediately call the owner of the company and tell him that this has happened and inform him of what information I did divulge just in case it had any bearing on anything. I tell him the name of the person that called and he says he thinks he knows who it was. So this goes over into this morning. Well of course all morning I am bombarded with phone calls and every time I get on a phone call I get a call from the owner of this company and he insists that I get off the phone and take his call immediately. So I can't get anything done and I keep having to hang up with my other customers and vendors and the bank and so on as I'm trying to do my daily business. Finally after several phone calls I get on the phone and he has me on conference call with this "impersonator". He starts asking her if she said that she was with his company when she called me the day before and of course she says no. I of course am like "yes you did", and I reiterate the entire conversation because of course I was so freaked out about it I went over it about 1,000 times in my head when I should have been sleeping last night. So luckily the receptionist at our office keeps a notebook with every single phone call written down just for reasons such as this. I won't take any phone calls from people who won't state what company they are with because they are usually sales people and I don't have time for that. So she had definitely said that she was so and so with my customers company, which is what the receptionist told me when she transferred me the call. This is also what she said to me when I answered my office phone so I wasn't the only one that she misrepresented herself to. So I made a copy of the page of the notebook and wrote down my conversation again just in case. Needless to say it was extremely nerve racking. I am usually very careful about customer information and I never fax or give out anything without verifying but I did start to talk to her before becoming suspicious. The thing that sucks is that they have a large accounting department and there is a girl that calls me once in a while with a name that is very similar to the one of this impersonator and had this fake person not said some odd things to me I would have given out a lot more information and not even realized that it was a trick. So I just don't know about thiefs and liars at this point. As a side note one of our salesman was being funny all day and kept pretending that our customer was on the phone for me or at the front desk for me to give me just a couple of more small panick attacks throughout the day. It was pretty funny but I've had about all I can take today. Every muscle in my body is so tense I can hardly move. I can't wait for the weekend. I will be glad that my sweet niece and my very cute and cool (but not very often sweet) nephews will be here because I need some honesty in my life and there is nothing like kids that love you to give you complete honesty whether you want it or not.


Andrea said...

You seriously have the weirdest life ever. Not even kidding....Who else does this kind of thing happen to? No one but you! You also forgot to say that your best sister ever will be there as well, must've just been an oversight what with all the drama in your life today...

Sarah said...

So Hi...I'm Andrea's friend Sarah...I hope you don't mind me reading adn commenting on your
That sounds like the craziest story ever!!! holy cow. My dad owns an asphalt company and I can so see something like that happening. I worked there basically my whole life and we had a lot of weird stuff happen. That is just nuts!!!!