Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I once was lost.......

So I know it's been very many months since I posted a blog but I'm back today and ready to bitch away. First I would like to say that I'm going on vacation in 9 days and I can't wait. I'm practically counting the seconds until I leave. It will be my 10th wedding anniversary on September 6th and Kody and I will be in the Bahamas. We went there once before and it's pretty cool so we decided to go for a week this time. I'm so looking forward to being with just him for a whole week. We haven't taken a real vacation with just the two of us in a few years. We always end up going with other people, which is fun, but I love having alone time. I even bought some sexy nighties so we'll see how that goes. Our friends just called us too though and asked if we wanted to go to Belize in December. We've been there with them a couple of times and it is definitely my favorite place in the world (that I've been so far). We have a free round trip ticket to Central America from our travel miles so I think we'll probably go since it will only cost us one ticket and food and entertainment. Our friend's Dad has a house there so we won't have to pay for lodging, which is a huge expense. They are going to take their kids this time so we'll see how they like it. It's pretty third world there so I'm not sure how it will go over with the three teen/pre-teen girls but hopefully they will have fun. Of course my Jock Cousteau loves it there too so we are pretty excited about the possibility of the trip.

So I've been planning this charity golf tournament and it's really stressing me out!!! It will be on September 1st and I still need 60 players to sign up. It's been hard because it's short notice and on a holiday weekend. So far with the players that I have signed up I've raised about $10,000(after expenses) but I was hoping for more like $20,000 so I really need to bust my butt to get more money in the next week and a half. It's a lot of work but it will be so worth it if we can raise a decent amount of money. I'm now working on trying to get people to donate prizes that we can raffle off in a silent auction. I'm going to have to recruit help for that though because it has to be done during the day and I just don't have enough time to do it alone. I've already done everything else by myself and now I really need some help. Anyways enough whining about that.

I just want to say that people are so weird!!! I know that I can be somewhat strange at times but I really wonder about other people. This guy that works for us got his brother a job with us several months ago and he was letting him live with him and his wife. One day the brother just walks off after work and never comes home to get clothes or anything. Like two weeks later he calls our work and says that he quit and he's in LA. He never even called his brother to say thanks or send my clothes or anything. He just walked off from work and got on a bus and that was it. WEIRD!! So about 6 weeks ago he shows back up again like on a Saturday at his brothers house wanting to know if he can have a second chance. Oh I forgot to mention that the guy is like 33 years old. So we let him have his job back and the brother and wife let him move back in and life is good again. Then last week on Tuesday he's working away and someone asks him to go upstairs and help them with something. Next thing we know a few hours goes by and no one can find him. Once again he never shows back up at the brothers house for clothes or anything. So no one sees him or hears from him again. So today we get a call from him and he's in Galveston, TX. WTF!!! I just don't understand. We have this other guy who hadn't quite finished his 90 day probation period but he wanted to get a raise early (usually they have to work there at least 90 days before being considered for a raise or getting any benefits) so my boss gives him $1 per hour even though he hasn't completed the probation because he's been doing a pretty good job. Monday was payday and usually when people get a raise they say thank you so this guy walks up to my boss and says "so you're only going to give me another $1 per hour?" WHAT???? So he's kind of an idiot and later on my boss walks up to him and says you know I was thinking about what you said earlier and since you keep having to do things twice because you don't get them right the first time, how about if I cut your pay in half and that way when you do it twice it's not costing me as much money. The guy was like OK. DUH!!

Well that's more than enough for now cause I gotta go do some stuff before bed. I'll try to do this more often cause it's kind of nice to bitch to someone who doesn't sigh every two seconds while I'm telling one of my endless stories. BYE!