Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My heart may have stopped more than once today

I know I can be a little overdramatic and I obviously have anxiety that I am medicated for but I was seriously so stressed out today that I thought I might lose it. Yesterday my boss called from vacation and asked me to do a favor for our biggest customer. No problem except that I have to deal directly with the owner of the company and he is not very patient. So he calls me and I do this favor for him which is stressfull in itself but I get it done with very little drama and all is well in my little world. UNTIL I get a very strange phone call from someone saying that they work for this customer in the accounting department. They ask me for some information and luckily I give out very little before I become suspicious and tell them that I will have to call them back. Just as I suspected when I call my customer's office and ask for this person in the accounting department, no such person exists!!! So someone else called me and was trying to get confidential information on one of our customers. I didn't really give out any pertinent information but it upset me really bad. So of course I immediately call the owner of the company and tell him that this has happened and inform him of what information I did divulge just in case it had any bearing on anything. I tell him the name of the person that called and he says he thinks he knows who it was. So this goes over into this morning. Well of course all morning I am bombarded with phone calls and every time I get on a phone call I get a call from the owner of this company and he insists that I get off the phone and take his call immediately. So I can't get anything done and I keep having to hang up with my other customers and vendors and the bank and so on as I'm trying to do my daily business. Finally after several phone calls I get on the phone and he has me on conference call with this "impersonator". He starts asking her if she said that she was with his company when she called me the day before and of course she says no. I of course am like "yes you did", and I reiterate the entire conversation because of course I was so freaked out about it I went over it about 1,000 times in my head when I should have been sleeping last night. So luckily the receptionist at our office keeps a notebook with every single phone call written down just for reasons such as this. I won't take any phone calls from people who won't state what company they are with because they are usually sales people and I don't have time for that. So she had definitely said that she was so and so with my customers company, which is what the receptionist told me when she transferred me the call. This is also what she said to me when I answered my office phone so I wasn't the only one that she misrepresented herself to. So I made a copy of the page of the notebook and wrote down my conversation again just in case. Needless to say it was extremely nerve racking. I am usually very careful about customer information and I never fax or give out anything without verifying but I did start to talk to her before becoming suspicious. The thing that sucks is that they have a large accounting department and there is a girl that calls me once in a while with a name that is very similar to the one of this impersonator and had this fake person not said some odd things to me I would have given out a lot more information and not even realized that it was a trick. So I just don't know about thiefs and liars at this point. As a side note one of our salesman was being funny all day and kept pretending that our customer was on the phone for me or at the front desk for me to give me just a couple of more small panick attacks throughout the day. It was pretty funny but I've had about all I can take today. Every muscle in my body is so tense I can hardly move. I can't wait for the weekend. I will be glad that my sweet niece and my very cute and cool (but not very often sweet) nephews will be here because I need some honesty in my life and there is nothing like kids that love you to give you complete honesty whether you want it or not.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I am disappointed in humanity

I swear I just don't know about people anymore. I feel like you can't trust anyone. In my blog from Sunday I was talking about my pain pills being stolen. I know it seems stupid because they are just pills and I agree, but it's the fact that it had to be someone that I know and trust who did it. So yesterday I was running late and I carried my shoes out to the car and I had a sports bra stuffed in one and my ipod and the cord to it in the other shoe. I put them on the backseat of Jamie's car instead of putting them inside my gym bag with the rest of my clothes. Once we got to work I was going to plug in my ipod to put some more music on it but I never had time so it just stayed inside my shoe in the car. Well Jamie decided to have her car washed yesterday. (Let me preclude this by saying that we have a car wash guy that comes to our office every Monday and washes everyone's cars. I have mine washed every week and I have never had a problem. It is always the same guy who does the cars and he just takes our keys and washes them for us and then parks them back in the lot and brings back the keys.) We just left our stuff in the car because it has never been a problem before. Well yesterday the car wash guy had a helper with him that we have never seen before. Low and behold I go to get my stuff to change for the gym last night and there is no ipod in my shoe. We looked everywhere in Jamie's car and it is nowhere in that car. So once again I have been stolen from. I can't just accuse the car wash guy of taking it but really where could it have gone. Other than when he was washing the car it was locked. Once again it's just an ipod so it's not life or death, nor does it have sentimental value, but it was MINE!!! I would never steal from anyone. I feel bad sometimes because I end up bringing so many pens home from work on accident that every once in a while I just buy a box of pens for the office with my own money. This is because I don't believe in taking things that don't belong to me. So anyways I'm very disappointed in people right now because no one seems to care about anyone else but themselves. I know I can be selfish a lot of times and maybe this is some kind of bad karma coming back to me for being selfish but it sucks!!! I feel like I should just open up my house and be like "come on in everyone and take whatever you want because it doesn't even matter anymore". OK it's probably not that dramatic but it is really upsetting me. So for now I will be sitting here in silence with back pain contemplating the integrity of my fellow humans.

Monday, March 26, 2007

I think I've been implanted....

Ok seriously, I think that I've been implanted with some kind of tracking device that sends an alarm to my boss when I try to leave the confines of my office. lol I am basically the general manager/controller/everything for an electrical supply company. I really love my job and I have the best boss in the world. He is the owner of the company and he's a totally funny guy and so nice but he's really high strung. He really does have ADHD and he has medication for it but he goes about a million miles an hour all the time. I mostly can keep up with him pretty well but sometimes it gets tough. So I swear he panicks if I'm not there to do things when he thinks he needs me. A lot of the stuff someone else in the office could do but he really relies on me and he kind of freaks out when I'm not readily available. For the most part I don't take a lunch break because I swear if I leave the office he is calling me wanting to know when I'll be back because there is some "emergency". It doesn't matter if I haven't seen him all day, the second I leave to go pick up food or something he is calling me in a complete panick. So anyways my boss left on vacation last Thursday and won't be back until next week. It was so hectic trying to get him out of here last week and I seriously thought I was going to have a breakdown but we got him off to Hawaii and I thought my life would be pretty calm for the next week. Of course you know there are so many things that have to be taken care of during the week during "normal business hours" and I never get them done because I usually work more than "normal business hours" and as I have been saying, it is practically impossible to get out of the office. So today I think, OK Neal (my boss) is gone and I'm going to go run a couple of errands that I have been putting off. I'm not even kidding I stepped out of my office with my purse and my desk phone starts ringing. I go back in and answer it and it is my boss calling from Hawaii with two emergency situations that he needs me to take care of. (both of these situations are with customers which should really be dealt with by the salesman but he says he wants it taken care of right and needs me to do it) So of course I put my purse down and proceed to remedy the emergencies which takes me until almost 5:00 when everything else is closing. I swear it doesn't matter where in the world he is he somehow knows that I'm going to leave the office for a while and has to call me. So it is nice to feel needed and appreciated but I really need to get my eyebrows waxed!!!!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

I must be related to Bob Villa

So today I totally did an awesome home improvement project and I actually finished it and everything. I usually start them and then end up hiring someone to come finish because I give up about half way through. Since we got a new huge 65" TV and I rearranged the living room I didn't have anywhere to put our DVD's. (We have like 400 of them for some reason) Anyways I didn't know what to do with them and our house is really small so they are just sitting in this area where we have a bar and they are all stacked up on the floor. Today for some reason I was motivated and since my husband actually helped me clean the house (if you read my earlier blog you will know that I fired the house cleaner) I decided to do something with the DVD's. I went to Home Depot and bought all of the stuff and came home and put up shelves in a closet that we have in the bar area. We keep the vacuum and the hard wood floor cleaning machine and a bunch of crap in that closet but I built the shelves above all of that. I was able to fit all of the DVD's and all of our board games and play station games on the shelves without even disturbing any of the junk that was already in the closet. Since I put the board games there it freed up some space in a couple of other closets for me to put up some other stuff. In addition to this project I also cleaned out the pantry, went grocery shopping, folded and put away all of the laundry, put a roast in to cook for dinner, put away all of my winter boots and got all of my shoes reorganized in the closet and cleaned out Kody's walk-in closet. It's not even 3:00 in the afternoon so I feel very proud of myself today. I think I might have to take a nap though because my back is killing me and all of that motivation made me kind of sleepy. Well I'm off to either keep on cleaning or nap, we'll see......

Saturday, March 24, 2007

My dogs are "nuts"

Anyone who knows me or has read my prior blogs knows how I feel about my two precious dogs Molly and Yogi. They are like my babies and I am kind of a psycho about them. Well a couple of weeks ago we starting finding little "presents" left for us from one of the dogs. By "presents" I mean tiny little pieces of poop. Not like they were actually pooping in the house but these were like little nuggets that seemed to either slip out or get stuck on their fur or something. This had never happened before so we were a little concerned as to why it was happening. All week we tried to figure out which dog was doing it but both were acting fine. Last Saturday night I was on the internet and I see a headline about how dogs are getting sick and dying from some recalled dog food. Of course I instantly look into it further to make sure that my dogs aren't at risk. It is the brand of food that I feed my dogs but it says only the canned food is contaminated not the dry and the dry is what we feed our babies. So the next morning Kody is at Walmart and there is a lady in there freaking out and crying because her dog is sick and the vet supposedly told her that it was the dry food too (she bought the food at Walmart if you are wondering why in the hell she would be in there carrying on about her sick dog). So about that time Yogi is acting a little weird like he is sick or something. Needless to say I take the dogs to the vet to make sure they are OK and to find out why we are getting the "presents". While we are waiting for an hour and a half in the room for the vet Yogi is getting more and more sick and can't control his bowels. Basically he is pooping all over me and the room. It was gross and smelled bad and I was gagging and it was on my clothes and my purse and everything. So I keep a sample of it in a tissue for the Dr. just in case and I notice that it looks weird but I wasn't about to inspect it so I just wrapped it up and that was that. All the while Kody and I are sure that our dogs have been poisoned by the dog food and we are plotting to burn down the dog food factory, etc. Finally the vet comes in and I'm like OK Yogi is sick now but I still really don't know who is leaving us the "presents". She takes the dogs into the back to get samples and stuff and to check the rectal area to make sure that everything is working properly. When she comes back in she asks me if I've been feeding the dogs nuts. Just then I remember that the day before my 2 year old nephew Hayden was over and he was eating cashews. Well of course he is very sweet and generous so he was obviously sharing the cashews with the dogs. So basically Yogi's butt was completely full of cashews because they were too hard for him to digest. The sample that I had so kindly kept for the vet was actually just a cashew and being the good dog that he is Yogi was more than eager to produce some more cashews for her when they got to the back. Molly didn't eat as many and she is bigger than Yogi so it wasn't having quite the same effect on her. (Yogi is 13lbs and Molly is about 25lbs.) As for the "presents" Yogi's little glands by his butt have to be cleaned out every month and they had gotten too full which was causing it to put too much pressure on his rectum and in turn making tiny little nuggets come out. So I spend half of my Sunday and a hundred dollars to find out that my dogs should not eat cashews. They really are "nuts". LOL.

Thief among us

Ok so this is going to seem strange but it is really bothering me so I'll start from the beginning. I have a totally jacked up back so the Dr. has prescribed me some pain type pills for it. It actually hurts pretty bad a lot of the time. I could never understand how people would have this supposedly excruciating back pain but now I know. It hurts pretty much all of the time and at work there is nothing I can do about it but just try to ignore it. The problem is that the pain thought will randomly interrupt my other thoughts. I really don't appreciate this since I have a lot of things that I need to think about during the day and back pain is certainly not one of them. Anyways a few weeks ago when I went to Disneyland I had some of my prescription pills left and I knew I would need them when I came home because hotel beds and long car rides do not help the whole back situation. So I get home and there is not one single pill left. I was so mad and Kody and I couldn't think of who could have take them. We finally decided that the cleaning people must have done it because they were here during the time I was gone. I kept them in the bedroom in a drawer so it's not like other people are in our bedrooms. It's not like they could have been misplaced either because they were the absolute only thing in this nightstand drawer. We fired the cleaning people just in case. So on Wednesday I had a Dr. appointment and I am going to be starting traction for my back so he gave me a prescription for 90 of these pain pills. So I fill the scrip and all of the sudden this morning there are only 35 left in the bottle. I'm positive the cleaning people haven't been here because it looks like my house should be condemned (I haven't hired a new company yet) so we are starting to realize that it is someone else who is stealing the pills. I am obviously very distraught over this because it has to be someone who we know very well that is doing it. The Dr. warned me that when it comes to things like this you should keep them under lock and key and not trust anyone as they are apparently a very hot commodity. I really figured that this was an exaggeration but now I realize that it is not. So we have a thief among us and they apparently have an immense amount of pain.

I'm a loser on a Saturday night

So I haven't been on in a while because I forgot how to get on to my account. Now that I have figured it out I saved everything so hopefully this won't happen again. Who knows since I'm very "special" most of the time. I really think that I need a personal assistant. I'm not even kidding. I am always so busy doing everything for work and everyone else that I can't get my own stuff taken care of. The ladies at PVFCU must think I am the biggest flake. I am constantly overdrawing my account and it's not because I don't have the money. It's because I will forget to deposit it and I don't keep track of my checkbook. I just go until there isn't any money in that account and then I put some more in. Scary since I'm a CPA....... Anyways enough about my flakiness because if you know me then you would already be well aware. I am so tired today!!!! My sisters who are only 21 asked me to go out with them last night so of course I went. I was so tired already since this week once again was like a whirlwind, but they never go out so I couldn't say no. Well I wasn't really drinking since I was the DD but I am not 21 anymore so even staying out late is bad enough for me. We had a lot of fun but I swear I was in worse shape than they were and I wasn't even drunk! My neighbors Lloyd and Jamie and our friend Shawn went with us so it was pretty fun. I feel grateful that my sisters still like to hang with me since there is like an 11 year age difference. They actually still think that I'm fun to hang out with which makes me feel not so much like an old lady. On to a new subject, I went to TJ Maxx today to see what they had going on. I hardly ever go there but it seemed like a good idea today so I went to check it out. I got a pair of Roxy pants, three shirts, a Tommy purse, a pair of Roxy flip flops, and the cutest Polo dress for my niece Jaidyn's birthday for only like $106. It's probably a good thing that I don't go there very often or I would be bankrupt. On that note I was really irritated because I didn't really feel good when I went there but I went anyways for whatever reason. So I tried on my stuff and then I had to go to the bathroom so I asked the dressing room attendant where the restroom was. She was an older lady and was really nice so she told me not to leave my stuff that I was going to purchase back there by the bathroom because a bunch of scavengers shop there and will take it while I'm in the bathroom. Another lady who works there was nearby and said it happens all the time. They told me to take it to the front checkout and they would hold it for me. Since it is a bargain store it made sense to me so I went to the front to do exactly this. The lady at the checkout was really pissed and didn't want to hold my stuff. I even waited in line to give it to her so I wasn't rude. I said "can I please leave this up here while I use the restroom?" and she was all like grunting and sighing and was like, you can take it with you and leave it outside. I explained to her that I didn't want anyone to take it while I was in the restroom and she snatched it out of my hands and threw it back behind the counter and was like "Next" all irritated as if I had just asked her to actually pay for it for me or something. Anyways luckily she didn't wait on me when I checked out so I didn't have to deal with her again. Well I'm going to go and do something else more productive like laundry.